reflections of the journey...

March 26, 2006

so. frickin. annoyed


stupid friggin phone alarm that decides not to go off this morning!! Grrr.

There I was last night finally in a pretty good place with God after a fairly rough trot for a while. I was feeling rather stupid for ever being 'annoyed' at God, or angry as it were and was ready to go back to church and actually hear a message, not just sit in the pew yawning and waiting for chat time with my buddies.
So, as I was climbing into bed at around 3am I took my phone in my hand and carefully set it to a reasonable time that would allow me to have about 5min of whinging "I don't want to get up. I'm warm and comfy, I'm not moving" then realise, ooer it's Sunday...I'm UP!! , enough time for a shower and 15 minutes to drive out to my church. Everything was set to go. So, as you do, I went to sleep.

Considering I finished work at 11:30 and didn't get home til a bit after 12 I knew I'd be struggling to get out of bed in the morning, but trusted that the annoying sound on my phone would be enough to convince me to get out and turn it off, I wasn't going to have too much trouble in the morning.
I ended up waking up at 4:41am anyway. Well, I think I did. Unless it was a dream. Thing is, it seemed sooo real, but when I woke up later, I couldn't remember actually getting out of bed and doing the things I thought I did earlier in the morning. So perhaps it was just a dream.

Either way, 11:30am rolls around and I allow my eyes to open after about an hour of stirring, tossing and turning and the like. I figure, sweet, I've beat the alarm, no annoying sound for me, I'll just reach over and turn it off...

Until of course I see the time on my phone and let out a rather unpleasant phrase to start the morning off.

So annoyed I missed church this morning. I was so keen to go. Actually wanted to be there. And I had stuff I needed to talk about with some church family. Some good ol wisdom I needed to hear. Stuff I need prayer for. Grr, hate it when that happens. Hopefully I'll make it to a night service at a friends church tonight. It's like my home church when my home church isn't on. So, every couple of weeks I go to the OIC in the next suburb over from my home turf. It's a good place. Love it there. I actually considered making it my home church til I was reminded of our potential and our need in the community as well. Hmm. Good times.

Well, I guess until I can have a chat with someone I need to keep thinking through the stuff in my head. Big opportunity lies in waiting for me at the moment, not entirely sure what to do with it. I know what I WANT to do, but not sure if it's practical, or do-able (if that's even a word). Possible. that's what I mean by that.
So yeah, thinking, thinking, thinking. It's all rather exciting and just a little daunting all at the same time.

Oh, I'll post about my reasons for such thinking to be happening shortly. Will be good to let you know what's going on in my life. Very exciting too.

Well, stay lovely and I'll catch you all soon,
Bel xx


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