reflections of the journey...

February 16, 2006


Feeling a bit odd today. Got up a little while after the alarm went off and just felt really seedy. Jess and I didn't have any plans for today anyway, so it was no drama to have a lazy day at home instead of trekkin it to the city again. I seriously didn't feel like being on a train when I felt like I could hurl at any given moment!

As the day has gone on though, my stomach has settled, I feel fine (physically), but still really odd. I don't know what's up. I'm not upset, not angry, not even happy, I just feel strange. Not myself.

One thing I am though, is frustrated. I have a billion and one things going through my head, nothing resolved, nothing rested, everything just bugging me.
Been thinking about my future, my desires...and getting frustrated that it seems so far from now. I know what I want, but I just don't know when it's going to happen. Some things I desire are a fair time away, I need to learn more, grow more etc before particular things will be able to happen, but lately I fail to see any steps towards that direction.
In other ways, things are going great, I can definately see progress in other areas of my life and I am thankful for that, but still frustrated at other things that seem to be quite stagnant at present.

Hmm. I realise I may not have made much sense just now, but it's helping me clear my head. I feel a lot better by getting that out, as incoherent as it all may be, because I have more room in my head now. And I'm thinking I'll use it to read a book.

*sigh* thanks bloggy.


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