reflections of the journey...

January 30, 2006

blown away...

You know those moments where you are just so completely blown away by what has happened that you're left speechless and in awe?
Well, I recently had one of those moments.

You see, on Saturday my boss advised me of the new roster. First thing that surprised me. I've been rostered on to 4 days a week instead of my usual "we'll call you when we need you" shifts. Quite a pleasant surprise might I add. And we discussed the days I'm not available, due to TAFE and church comittments and she worked around that. That was great.

The thing that really blew me away though was what happened after I asked if I could change my shifts after I had agreed to them and been told I couldn't change them.
Not realising that I'd be at Youth Church every Friday night, I agreed to work a Friday double, which would mean I couldn't do any of the Youth stuff at church this year. I went in to see my boss the following morning after church finished and explained the situation. I was so worried that everything would fall apart, she'd be annoyed as all hell and pretty much say "too bad" or I'd refuse to do the shift and be fired. Anyway, I prayed so much on the way in that it would all be sorted out and I knew that God could do anything, but I still had that niggling feeling of "oh crap, what's going to happen...?"
So, I explained how I had made the mistake of agreeing to work a shift that I wouldn't be available for and asked if I could possibly have that day off which would allow me to do youth stuff for church.
Her response: "No worries at all Bee, I'll sort it all out. I can replace the shift for another day if you like so you don't lose any pay..." and just like that it was all sorted.
For anyone who knows my boss and how she's been lately, that was so out of character that it just blew me away.

So, that's just one more way God reminds me that He is in control and everything is okay. By having that little problem sorted out so easily and peacefully, God is ensuring me that I am right where I'm supposed to be and I am meant to be a part of my church's Youth Ministry team.
Thankyou Father for all You continue to do in my life and those around me. I pray that this year will see more people drawn to You than ever before. May they experience Your love, peace and power . Amen


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