reflections of the journey...

November 20, 2005

where is the love...?

And as the song goes..."Father, Father, Father help us, need some guidance from above 'cause people got me, got me questioning - 'where is the love'."

People fail us all the time huh. And it sucks.
This I know, but I'm constantly having to be reminded.
And the fact that God is the only One who will never hurt me.

Well, I guess I'm a slow learner, or I'm just not listening properly. I'm hearing it, but not feeling it. Guess I'm not believing it or something. I dunno.
I just get so frustrated with people sometimes and I know I shouldn't worry as much. I should be handing it over to God. Spending more time with Him, working on our relationship, but I'm not. Don't know why.

I guess I just want to feel valued by the people in my life and not just God. Even though that's probably stupid because it really doesn't have to matter what people think of me, because what really counts is what my Father thinks of me. Yet still, I seek approval and validation in those around me.

Arhh. Stupid girl =P

Reading "Captivating" at the moment is really helping though. I don't feel as alone in this struggle. It seems almost normal, but still kinda stupid.

I'm probably not making sense tonight. I'm a little muddled, bit of a scatter brain at the minute. And kind of over this self-analysis that's been in progress for a while.

I'm off to eat ice cream and watch chick flicks.

Yes, for that is where real love is found - in the movies =P


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