reflections of the journey...

June 30, 2007

Greetings from Townsville

Yes, the time has finally come. I have arrived in Townsville. I actually got here yesterday, about 3ish, after quite a long and slow day. I was woken at 5ish am by Dad, eager to get on the road and beat the city traffic to the airport. We left by 6:30 and arrived at the airport well ahead of time. My flight was due for takeoff at 10:25 but we weren't in the air til about 1ish I think.
I was seated next to a very friendly middle aged woman and her young daughter who I shared conversation with and was quite entertained by. During the usual in-flight emergency notice thing where the air stewards inform us of the all important emergency exits and all the bits and pieces that go with it, this lady decided it would be funny to lean over and tickle the stewardess closest to us. Although she didn't quite reach the young woman still had a giggle whilst trying her best to keep a straight face and remain professional.
Anyway, in further conversation the woman asked me of my reasons to be heading to Townsville I answered that I was going to study at Bible college. Her response was öh cool, so you're a hairdresser?" She obviously knew I was puzzled by the expression on my face and asked ÿou said barber college, right?"

So, the flight finally came to an end, but unfortunately my subsequent migraine did not. We were greeted at the airport by the lovely Simoane, an ex GDT-er from last year, who escorted us to what is now our new home for the next 5 months.
Willows Lodge is lovely. I didn't come expecting anything in particular, but I've been quite impressed with the facilities and more so the general feeling of the place. I was immediately welcomed by the other students who had arrived earlier in the day, aswell as the house supervisors, a young couple - Amber and Tim, and thier gorgeous new arrival, Josiah.

After unpacking and decorating we were taken over to the principals home for a barbeque welcome meal which also served as a great 'getting-to-know-you' session. We all shared our stories and enjoyed each others company.
We were also given our timetables and briefly discussed what was going on, though this will all be clearer come Monday. At this point I know I will be busy studying but also look forward to all the fun that is to be had in the group activities and other prac stuff.

Tomorrow morning we head to morning service and will be briefly introduced to the congregation (some 400-odd of them!!) followed by a luncheon where we have all been asked to speak briefly on our stories so far and how/why we have to GDT. Thankfully it will only be around 70 people at the luncheon, not 400.

Everything is pretty relaxed at this point, as I sit at Jasmin's lappy I can hear some of the others laughing from the loungeroom. We are all filled with anticipation at this point but are enjoying the down time before the organised chaos that is soon to follow.

Until next time, keep us in your prayers as I shall you, and everything will be just fine. (that's for you Sherie)
love Bel xx

May 11, 2007

This was my today - May 10, 2007

Bit of an update. I've been meaning to write for a good while now, so today is as good a day as any, plus I have some news to report.
Today I got one more step closer to 'the big adventure' that will be the GDT experience.
I had my injections.
Three infact!

It's all part of the requirements for the course, seeing as I'll be travelling (most likely overseas) possibly to heavily polluted areas, so it's in my best interests to take precautions rather than end up really ill in a foreign land.

So today saw me be immunised for Hepatitis A and B in one needle, Typhoid, Diptheria and Polio in the second and Tetanus in the final jab of the day. Holy heck did that one hurt! The first two needles were pretty much just pin pricks and I was beginning to feel a bit silly for being so nervous and worried about the whole procedure, but my goodness I tell you what - I definitely felt that tetanus shot going in!

And it's true what everyone had been saying - it really did make my arm ache afterwards.

Atleast I don't have to go through that again for quite a while. The Hepatitis shots are a 3 part course though, so I'll have to go back again in one month to have the second injection, then again 6 months after that.
I was put so much at ease by having my buddy ol pal Sherie there with me. Now before you go thinking I'm a mega wuss for needing company, it was for a different reason than that. Well, kinda, she was there for moral support as well as being the photographer and videographer for the day. It was pretty funny the reaction my doctor gave when I asked if he was okay for Sherie to "document the moment for me". But hey, I'm only going to experience that exact moment once in my life and as trivial as an injection is, it's all part of the bigger picture of this exciting new chapter in my life.
So... grab the camera and strike a pose!

*chuckle* My doctor said I was "a very brave lass" and it's on video to prove it! Haha.

He was so lovely and fully playing up to the camera. It would had to have been one the most bizarrre but enjoyable trips to the GP in a very long time.

And it was mostly because I had my girl by my side the whole time.

Love you Sherie, you're the best!

April 19, 2007


I seriously need some right now. But I'm loooong overdue for an update and I want to remember today.

I was woken by my alarm at 5:30 this morning and on the road by 6:00am to head to Heatherbrae. Mum and I headed down to meet my cousin halfway between our place and hers (2 hr drive each) to pick up my youngest brother who had stayed with her and the family for a week of the school holidays.

We met at maccas for brekky and the kids and I had an absloute blast playing in the wet, muddy playgym! My mum was slightly embarressed but meh. You get that. I didn't care too much about my wet butt and grotty pants. I only see my cousins every once in a while so I was making the most of the hour or so we had.

Erika (my God-daughter) and I were giggling so much she choked on her brekky. Classic.

We're so alike it freaks our parents out. Apparently Mandy (my adult cousin....Erika's mum) had bought the kids a chocolate bar each for later on in the day (the trip back home) but Erika decided she wanted hers for brekky, so scoffed it down real quick and finished off someone elses aswell.... then proceeded to vomit all over the blanket that was being shared between the three kids in the backseat. Yeah...turns out she gets travel sickness. Hmm, it may have also had something to do with chocolate at 7am! hehe.

But they all survived and Erika seemed to have fully recovered by the time they arrived, so it was off to the playgym we went. Of course I had my camera's always a Kodak moment when Erika's around.

Her and I wanted to get some photos together inside the tunnels of the play equipment. Though, as much fun as were having, neither of us seemed to feel too princessy or pretty that hour of the morning, so our photo turned out real stunning!!

Oh I know! Natural beauty really. Just exquisite. But hey, it's us in all our sillyness. The Erika and Bibby that most people see.

I love that Erika and I have so much fun together, just being ridiculously silly. It's awesome.

So, as much as I fiercly dislike early mornings, it was more than worth feeling horrid the rest of the day just to see my girl.

I really want to make a trip down to see the family in Sydney before I head up to Townsville... I'll need some more recent pics to hang on my walls when I get up there.

Oh the way, I've been accepted into the GDT sourse, so it's official now. I am moving to Townsville for the second half of the year! Yay. More on that soon (aswell as my Easter festivities), right now though I needs to get me some sleep!

February 27, 2007

Cogs are turning...

Yep... it's all definitely happening.

The interview for GDT is scheduled for this coming Thursday March 1st at 2:30pm.

I'm not really nervous as I'm told it's basically just a casual chat over coffee (or a milkshake in my is gross IMO) and I'll be shown some photos and a short DVD of previous students etc and just get more info about it all and have the opportunity to ask questions and the like.

VERY EXCITING!! *insert big grin here*

So... more news soon =)

Love B xx

February 19, 2007

How sick is this...

* I received an email today confirming that my application has been received and passed on to the appropriate people. An interview will be arranged soon.

* I have a meeting on Wednesday night with the music team - I'll be joining the team for night services and some mornings!! Yay!

* I 'found' a DVD today that I've had for ages but had thought I'd lost forever. Turns out it has THE perfect song for our vision of youth group this year. So excited about introducing it to the music team...hopefully we can play it soon!

* Our first youth group of the year (last Friday night) went SO well. It was awesome. The kids had a great night as did us leaders. It was so encouraging to see them so keen to get back into it and be excited about the year ahead. The best part of the night happened right at the end. We all sat in a circle and prayed together and even some of the noisiest, craziest kids were still and quiet for that special time together. And the awesome part was, so many kids had prayer points!! So many opportunities for miracles and changed lives. So exciting!! =)

* This coming Friday will see the beginning of our new ministry team "Fish Bowl". This is gonna be awesome - it's for the youth of the church to have a special time together to build relationships, pray together, learn with and from each other, and basically grow in God so we can strengthen our giftings and serve the church and community more and more.
This has got to be one of the most exciting things for me to be a part of. I can not wait to see what God has on store for us this year as a team and individually.

* I got 4 shifts at work this week! Yay!! Big improvement on the recent 1 shift weeks I had been getting. Let's hope they keep coming. As much as I don't want to stay where I am I think that may be the case if I keep getting regular work. Atleast then I can save for Townsville.
But I certainly look forward to my future away from the ovens and deep fryers! Gonna be so good to leave these days behind me!

* Oh and did I mention that my application has been received and an interview will be arranged soon?!! (hehe...I know I excited about it that I reckon it deserves a second mention!)

So, I'm a very blessed young lady right now. God really is spoiling me well and truly.

And I sure am thankful =)

oh happy day!

February 15, 2007

One step closer...

I hung out in a photo booth for a few minutes today.
The result being...

The purpose of it was to get 2 passport size photos to include in my application for Global Discipleship Training.
I'm really annoyed with the smudge on them. There was obviously something spilt on the glass inside the booth... I tried to wipe it off and after a while I gave up. One because it wasn't budging anyway and two because I realised how completely gross it was to be using my shirt to wipe away the smear of an unknown source.
I find it odd that the second picture looks wider and closer......weird!
Hayley was with me and tells me that she got many strange looks from passers-by. It was funny, she said one old lady gave her a really dirty look as if to question what she was doing! Haha. How could it be suss.... I was the only one actually behind the curtain.
Anyhoo, it's funny how one little excercise like using a photo booth affected my day. Well, I realise it's because of the significance of it. It's not just some photo I took to amuse myself (well, the second 2 of the 4 were, but they turned out mega dodgy anyway, so you won't be seeing them!), but it's the photo to go on an application that will determine the outcome of my 2007.
I so hope it all happens!!
Actually, that's not really fair saying that. I know it will. I just feel an assurance from God that this is it...this year is the time for it.
I just keep having to remind myself to TRUST!
I have faith in this... I'm believing for it.
The actual verse has totally skipped my mind, but "Faith is being sure of what you hope for and believing what you cannot see" (emphasis added)
The thing is, I can't see how it will current circumstances tell me it can not. But...I say again...I have faith in this!! I'm believing for it!

Hebrews 11:3
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
And once again I am reminded that my God is not to be put in a shoebox...His power and authority over this earth are all inclusive. He can do anything. He already has... HE created this entire universe and holds it in His hands!! That's how BIG my Father is!!!
This 'circumstance' is not a hinderance to God, why should I let it be one to me.
Proverbs 3:5&6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path" (emphasis added)
It is true... I do not understand how I will get to Townsville. But I trust my Father when He tells me I will.
God's richest blessings be with you all,
Love Bee =)

February 08, 2007

my big revelation from today...

Today I visited my local GP for what I intended to be a quick check up.

It is a requirement of my Global Discipleship Training application to have a medical certificate stating I am fit to travel overseas to potentially highly polluted areas.

So, I made the appointment and headed off to the surgery feeling pretty confident, seeing as though I had already gone through this procedure last year when I was thinking of applying.
Little did I know that being examined by a different doctor would mean different tests to last time. It didn't go as smoothly as I had anticipated.

My blood pressure was taken and was much higher than my last visit. The doctor thought it may have been because I was nervous, so he waited a little longer before testing me again.
Much better result second time around.
He had a listen to my heart and lungs through his stethoscope while we discussed my medical history. No big dramas, I had mild asthma as a young child but that soon cleared up after moving from Sydney to here. Few broken bones, couple of operations, but all in all I'm doin pretty good.

The doc wasn't satisfied with just using the stethoscope because he said he wanted to be completely sure I would withstand heavily polluted areas and this would mostly effect my respiratory system more than anything else.
So out came a little black box with a short length of white tube attatched to the front of it.
I didn't like the look of it the second I saw it....I knew what I'd have to do and wasn't feeling too confident.

But, doctors orders, I went along with it. He explained that I needed to take a deep breathe in then expel as much air as I possibly could, whilst having my mouth over the tube.
Let me tell you, it aint easy!!
I obviously disappointed him because he had to keep explaining the procedure to me, all the while I was trying to tell him I honest to goodness didn't have a whole lot of air to expel and was doing the best I could.
But he showed me the reading on the little screen to assure me he wasn't just being picky, but that he was trying to help me get an accurate reading.
This stupid little screen on the box read "too weak". Stupid ass machine.

I swear I was doing the best I could, just I couldn't keep blowing out air that wasn't there, especially through a tube that made my mouth stretch out around it.
Think about's easy to blow out air with force when it's through a smaller 'hole', but once you open your mouth, the force is significantly affected.

I was getting frustrated and came SO close to tears when my doctor said "if you don't pass this test I can not sign a statement saying you are fit to travel. You need to pass this test to get to Townsville"

Here was my dream that I've wanted for so long, being reduced down to one small little black box. One little lung capacity measurement could mean the difference between going or not.

But, after what seemed like forever I gave a satisfactory reading and gained my medical certificate.

So...I am one step closer to getting to Townsville. =)

And to end on another high note...turns out I've grown 2cm since my last visit!!
Things are defintitely looking 'up' for Miss B ;-) hehe

P.S - you won't believe my doctors orders following my examination today......
"practice your breathing".
haha!! Seriously, I have been told to learn how to breathe properly, cause apparently I'm not using my lungs the way they're intended to be used.

Maybe I should invest in some of those "blonde headphones"....