reflections of the journey...

April 19, 2007


I seriously need some right now. But I'm loooong overdue for an update and I want to remember today.

I was woken by my alarm at 5:30 this morning and on the road by 6:00am to head to Heatherbrae. Mum and I headed down to meet my cousin halfway between our place and hers (2 hr drive each) to pick up my youngest brother who had stayed with her and the family for a week of the school holidays.

We met at maccas for brekky and the kids and I had an absloute blast playing in the wet, muddy playgym! My mum was slightly embarressed but meh. You get that. I didn't care too much about my wet butt and grotty pants. I only see my cousins every once in a while so I was making the most of the hour or so we had.

Erika (my God-daughter) and I were giggling so much she choked on her brekky. Classic.

We're so alike it freaks our parents out. Apparently Mandy (my adult cousin....Erika's mum) had bought the kids a chocolate bar each for later on in the day (the trip back home) but Erika decided she wanted hers for brekky, so scoffed it down real quick and finished off someone elses aswell.... then proceeded to vomit all over the blanket that was being shared between the three kids in the backseat. Yeah...turns out she gets travel sickness. Hmm, it may have also had something to do with chocolate at 7am! hehe.

But they all survived and Erika seemed to have fully recovered by the time they arrived, so it was off to the playgym we went. Of course I had my camera's always a Kodak moment when Erika's around.

Her and I wanted to get some photos together inside the tunnels of the play equipment. Though, as much fun as were having, neither of us seemed to feel too princessy or pretty that hour of the morning, so our photo turned out real stunning!!

Oh I know! Natural beauty really. Just exquisite. But hey, it's us in all our sillyness. The Erika and Bibby that most people see.

I love that Erika and I have so much fun together, just being ridiculously silly. It's awesome.

So, as much as I fiercly dislike early mornings, it was more than worth feeling horrid the rest of the day just to see my girl.

I really want to make a trip down to see the family in Sydney before I head up to Townsville... I'll need some more recent pics to hang on my walls when I get up there.

Oh the way, I've been accepted into the GDT sourse, so it's official now. I am moving to Townsville for the second half of the year! Yay. More on that soon (aswell as my Easter festivities), right now though I needs to get me some sleep!


Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

Bella I was beginning to wonder...nice to know your still alove :P
oh and I don't know what you're talking about?!! thats such an awesome pic! I love it!
Oh and I realised today, that I miss you so SO much.
I love you even more
Jessie xoxo

2:40 AM, April 20, 2007  
Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

*alive :p

2:40 AM, April 20, 2007  

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