reflections of the journey...

February 15, 2007

One step closer...

I hung out in a photo booth for a few minutes today.
The result being...

The purpose of it was to get 2 passport size photos to include in my application for Global Discipleship Training.
I'm really annoyed with the smudge on them. There was obviously something spilt on the glass inside the booth... I tried to wipe it off and after a while I gave up. One because it wasn't budging anyway and two because I realised how completely gross it was to be using my shirt to wipe away the smear of an unknown source.
I find it odd that the second picture looks wider and closer......weird!
Hayley was with me and tells me that she got many strange looks from passers-by. It was funny, she said one old lady gave her a really dirty look as if to question what she was doing! Haha. How could it be suss.... I was the only one actually behind the curtain.
Anyhoo, it's funny how one little excercise like using a photo booth affected my day. Well, I realise it's because of the significance of it. It's not just some photo I took to amuse myself (well, the second 2 of the 4 were, but they turned out mega dodgy anyway, so you won't be seeing them!), but it's the photo to go on an application that will determine the outcome of my 2007.
I so hope it all happens!!
Actually, that's not really fair saying that. I know it will. I just feel an assurance from God that this is it...this year is the time for it.
I just keep having to remind myself to TRUST!
I have faith in this... I'm believing for it.
The actual verse has totally skipped my mind, but "Faith is being sure of what you hope for and believing what you cannot see" (emphasis added)
The thing is, I can't see how it will current circumstances tell me it can not. But...I say again...I have faith in this!! I'm believing for it!

Hebrews 11:3
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
And once again I am reminded that my God is not to be put in a shoebox...His power and authority over this earth are all inclusive. He can do anything. He already has... HE created this entire universe and holds it in His hands!! That's how BIG my Father is!!!
This 'circumstance' is not a hinderance to God, why should I let it be one to me.
Proverbs 3:5&6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path" (emphasis added)
It is true... I do not understand how I will get to Townsville. But I trust my Father when He tells me I will.
God's richest blessings be with you all,
Love Bee =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you so cute in that piccie...

I looked at it and just couldn't resist a couple "Naaaaaw...she so cute" moments

love you love you love you.
Jess xoxo

3:51 PM, February 19, 2007  

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