reflections of the journey...

September 08, 2006

Day 1

I'm here!! Back in good ol Melbourne town ;-)
And how spoilt am I....I get to type this on Den's snazzy little laptop. It's so cute. Lappy's are awesome.

Anyhoo, my first 11 hours here have been great =)
I was writing a journal entry at the airport this morning which I'llprobably post here soon, but as for's been good.
Was greeted with a shocking icy wind as I walked out the airport doors. Typical Melbourne welcome I guess ;-)
Umm, what happened next....(just lost my trail of thought cause Den's dad just dropped my bed off)'s so funny, I'm known as Belle down here. Love it. He's a lovely guy by the way. Thanks Mr Cassidy =D
So yeah, after Den picked me up from the airport we came back here to his place, dumped my stuff and drove into the city so I could shop at the Queen Victoria Markets while Den worked.
I scored quite a few little treasures, including Burkies 21st, but I'll stay tight lipped about that one for now cause he won't get it til tomorrow night.

After the markets we headed to The Melbourne Museum and just cruised around there for a bit before watching a 3D film at the Imax theatre. And yes, you know me well. I fell asleep!
Well, very VERY temporarily. For like 3 minutes, MAX. And it was probably because I've been up since 2am.
Anyhoo, after Imax we stuck around the museum for a bit more, eventually had enough and walked back to the car, detouring through parts of Melbourne Uni. There are some beautiful buildings there. Stunning, really.

Back 'home' and just chillin. And I'm likin it muchly.

Well, I should probably give this back to Den, so bye for now

Bella xx


Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

girl, you've seriously gotta blog.


and the other day as I was driving back from TCCS I passed you!!
Yups I saw you driving Bess, but I was so slow that I didn't realise it was you until we were literally right beside each other.

We WILL catch up soon, and it shall be more than passing each other on the road ;)

Love you toots xoxo

8:32 PM, September 22, 2006  

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