my ink...
I swear everyone's seen it by now but apparently not, as Jess' comment pointed out.
So Miss Braybrook...this one's for you -
The "before" and "after" combined into one clever am I, I mean really! =P
It's Kanji for "love".
Didn't hurt as much as I had been told it would and as much as I had anticipated due to the horror stories I was victim to. Wasn't the most comfortable feeling, but wasn't so bad that I wouldn't do it again.
In fact, I'm working on a design for my second tattoo. Hoping to have it done in a couple of months[the actual tattoo, not the won't be massive! haha]
I can see why they say this stuff can be addictive. Even though my one is only small I'm really pleased with it and have been googling non stop to get more ideas for another one, or two or twenty. Nah, I won't totally cover myself in ink, just add a bit of interestingness to the canvas. But I'm choosing carefully, it has to have enough significance to me personally to earn a spot on my body. That's why I'm combining a few different ideas into one be more "me". And I'm choosing the positioning pretty carefully aswell....more significance to me.
I quite like this tattoo thing. Let's see how it all turns out...
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