reflections of the journey...

May 28, 2006

Good Times

Ever find yourself in fits of laughter, from thinking about a funny situation you've been in? You know those memories that you replay over and over cause they're just sooo frikkin hilarious... =)
Well, I did that last night.

I was thinking about the wackiest, funniest, most beautiful person I know...Jess! Yep, we all know her and we all love her.

I was sitting in bed early this morning (about 2:30 onwards) just cracking up laughing about all the crazy moments I've shared with my big sis. Haha, there's been some *interesting* moments hey Jess! (nudge nudge, wink wink)
As I type this I'm laughing all over again...I can just see it all replaying in my mind. The countless scares you've unleashed upon me (and you wonder why I'm so jumpy!!), the bed making mishap on my first visit to Armi, that infamous bonding that happened between you, Kate and unexpected how our friendship was taken to a whole other level that night! Oh...Macy Gray impersonations (and the "there's people trying to sleep guys, keep it down" that followed. Haha! Good times. OH!! Those stupid friggin pelicans at Melbourne Zoo on our first trip together. They were out to kill, I swear they were. The documentary we made that day and the absolute shame we felt watching it later and just realising how dopey we are together. Remember the time we all went up to Coffs together and Sandie, Kris and Az went out while we stayed at home and made our own (spew-worthy) 'mocktails' ....and video taped the making of that too. Or what about the time we were in the tiered learning space in yr 12 and you didn't think I'd slide down the steps on the back of the table....proved you wrong ;-) (and smashed myself while I was at it). [hmm, I see a pattern developing here...I seem to hurt myself more when I'm in your presence Miss Jessica!]
Or the countless sleep-overs and the endless conversations. It's been good sharing my bed with you Jess...we never got the spooning stage though did we. Hmm. haha
Oh, one of my favourite memories was one some of the girls got together at your old place in umm, I don't know where, and we got all dressed up in our bedsheet couture and took all them photos. *sigh* that was such a fun day. I felt like a bit of a goose at the start, wearing a sheet, lol, but the shots turned out so beautiful. [reminds me...did you ever find them again?]
Or what about the mini road trip to Newy with Katie...and yet another video made! Ohhh...hahaha....sleeping in the back of that car! I seriously thought that was the end of our friendship hey! haha. Kate and I are sooo stubborn. Gosh, you were in the middle of all that! How did you not smash us both in the head Jess?!
You know what else I love....going on rides with you. You make me feel so strong and brave when you do your "oh crap I'm so nervous and scared but this is fun" giggle. =) How good was it being the oldest [by far] on the ride at Keilor this year! So glad I was tall enough hey. It was a close call.
And the time I WON the wrestling match at Aunty Jan's. Ohhh yeah. Bella...champion of the "uneven and awkward mattresses wrestle".
I love that I can be an absolute nutter with you and it all feels perfectly normal. =D

There's so so many more memories I haven't even touched on, but be sure that there are even more yet to be made.

Love you Jess =)

Aww, one of my fave pics from Melly 06.

Can't wait for the next trip Jess.....


Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

Girly, When I started reading and you said, you had tears from laughing so hard, I was thinking "Oh yeah, figure of speech" but seriouosly, by the end of that I had tears from real, wipable tears...thanks girly, we do have awesome memories, and sometimes, it's nice to be reminded of how truely blessed I am to have you. I love you so so much. I'll be back in the region sooooo soon. for 10 weeks at least - so plenty of catching off shall be had.

Love you oodles
Big sis Jess xoxo :D

3:20 PM, May 28, 2006  
Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

Blog woman BLOG!!!!
If i can't spend time with you, then I wanna read all about it ;)

Love you oodles
Jess xoxo

4:39 PM, June 24, 2006  

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