reflections of the journey...

March 31, 2006

the dealio...

So, I should probably tell you what this exciting news is hey.

Well, as it turns out last Friday evening at church my Pastor handed me an application form for a Christian training course that is basically what I'm doing now, but with added bonuses and to be completed in half the time.
How awesome is that hey?!! It's insane.

The thing that blows me away the most is exactly how this all came about. As you'd know from previous entries I haven't been in the best place lately, my commitment to God was slipping, had lost focus on my future, just in a feeling of discontentment, frustration and not knowing what to do. I had been praying for a while that opportunities would come up that I would be able to take, but didn't know what else to do other than continue what I was doing until something better came along.
Just to give you an idea of just how much my prayers have been answered, check this out...

#I wanted to finish my studies, but wasn't happy where I was - this course is the same as what I'm doing now but it gets completed in half the time.
#I wanted to learn more about God, possibly do a few theology subjects by distance ed, but wasn't sure how I'd fit it all in with my current studies - this course has theology as part of the curriculum.
#I wanted to travel and do missionary work, but wasn't sure how long until I could learn enough and be able to travel to do it, and who to travel with, what organisation etc and the cost of it. - this course has an 8 week missionary assignment as part of it and the total fee for the course includes the cost of the trip, excluding set up costs (passport, injections, etc)
#I want to move out this year, but don't know how I can on my current wage and how I'd manage my studies, church life and personal life with the added pressure of being totally self reliant - this course would see me move to Townsville for 6 months on campus with fellow students, again total fee for course includes all living costs for the durationof the course, I'd just need my own money for luxuries and personal interests, and the course is accredited by Youth Allowance so I may just be eligible for a payment to help out with that while I'm away.
#I've been wanting to live a more adventurous life more so than ever - this course would be a massive adventure to me because I'd move to a place I've never been, a place where I know no one and would have to fully branch out and stretch myself waaaay beyond the comfort zone, I'd also go to a country I know very little about.... gosh, it's SO exciting!!

It's all so amazing and just shows me that God truly does know our desires and has an incredible plan for us all, way beyond what we could ever fathom.

So yes, that's my news. That's what has got me grinning from ear to ear for the past week. Now I have to knuckle down and find out all the particulars and actually apply. =D So, anyone whoreads this who believes in the powerof prayer, it'd be awesome if you could keepme in yours. Thanks heaps

Stay tuned for updates and the like....hehe, how cool will it be if one day I'll be blogging interstate, or overseas!! =D

Bee xx


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