reflections of the journey...

February 20, 2006

Still in Melbourne.
Had another lazy day today.
Went to bed at some crazy hour like 3/3:30am. Woke to the alarm at 11:00am and lay there for a while. Quite a while I think. Jess and I decided that since our Metcards had expired and we didn't really have any plans today we'd just have a quiet one at home.
So I showered, lay on my bed, watched telly, thought about reading a book..and eventually slept the afternoon away. Actually, I didn't wake until about 6:00-ish. Felt horriblly lazy and pathetic, but soon got over it when Jess and I had a mock-wrestle. Though, it got kinda serious, still playful, but we were out to bring one another down!! Jess was kicking me in the chest (yes...OUCH!!) as I was grabbing her legs and trying to get her feet - I know she hates that!! We ended up in a heap on the floor, in hysterics and heavy breathing =p
Man, I love Jess. We always seem to get up to crazy antics when we're together - so much fun.

In other news, I've been thinking a bit about this little blog of mine. I was looking back on some of my older entries after a friend of mine commented how open I am. After I re-read one of my most honest entries (the one my mate was referring to) I freaked out that people could take it in a completely different way to what I was actually meaning.
The thing is, when I write, I obviously know the full picture kinda thing and so I don't feel the need to include every bit of background to what brings me to a certain point, a certain feeling etc. But without that, when somebody else reads my journal, they could interpret things totally the wrong way.
It got me thinking - what do people think of me, based on my blog? Is it enough to base an opinion on someone. Sure, I'm honest and open about where I'm at at particular times, but I don't blog absolutely everything. For one, I don't have the time, and two, who cares about the everyday mediocrity that is my life at times. I don't want to read it, I don't need to remember it, so why blog it.

Hmm, just thinking.
I'm not worried about what people may think based solely on this journal, but last night did stir a few things within me.
Thanks was good to be able to do that.

After all, this is the reflections of my journey, so last night I actually did that for the first time in quite a while. And it was good.

I just love it when conversing with another can lead you within yourself and you realise more and more of who you were, where you've been and who you're becoming.

It's almost magical to be so intouch with yourself and at a new place of realisation.

I look forward to spending more time with my Melburnian mates this week, but dread having to go back and not see them again for another year. Though, this past week has made me realise how treasured my home friends are... and I want to do more to show that to them.

Anyway, enough from me, this is getting long.

Night, love Bella xx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad that I helped you with a bit of self reflection there :-)

Btw, there are parts of this blog that sound really new agey and hippy...... "I am on this big journal of self realisation...."

:-D! Ok, now I'm just stirring...

1:12 AM, February 21, 2006  
Blogger Bella said...

aww...what can I say? I'm a hippy at heart.

No, not really. But I do admire alot of aspects of the "hippy" lifestyle/personality traits etc. But that's another matter altogether. haha

1:31 AM, February 21, 2006  

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