reflections of the journey...

February 05, 2006

a thankful heart...

What a wonderful night. How thankful I am for these moments.

Tonight saw the return of our youth service "Something @ Seven" after a much appreciated break during the holiday period. The kids seemed like they had missed it and were hungry for the new year. Such a good thing to see.
Our band has been abundantly blessed it seems. Much prayer has gone into asking God to bring forth musicians who feel led to serve on team, and it seems our prayers have been well and truly answered. Tonight we were worshipping with three new team members, Daniel, Jake and Dean. (Dean being one of the brothers I wrote about in a previous post)
The sound that our band produced tonight took our worship to another level. I know it's not all about the music, but tonight was wonderful. I know God has things under control because we have been so blessed by having these three fine young gentlemen offer their giftings as a worship to our King.

It seems my personal prayer for friendships with guys is also being answered quite promptly. It has only been a few days that I have asked God for more opportunities to share friendships with Christian guys, and just tonight that prayer has begun to be answered. I was able to have a qick chat to Dean and just thanked him for being on team and making the band sound so awesome, which was nice. But the best part was, as he was leaving with his family I gave Erin a hug (his sister) and their mum Pam, and joked "oh do you want a hug too Dean, I don't want you to feel left out" and what was really cool was that he actually did give me a hug. How awsome is God. He knows my heart and He knows that I'm a very huggy person, and He has let me share that with Dean already =D
That's something I really treasure. Thanks Dad =D

It just feels so lovely to know that this is all just the start of something wonderful. I really look forward to building a friendship with Dean and spending more time with the whole family - they truly are the kinds of people that make you so happy, just to know them and to be able to hang out and learn from them is an incredible gift from God. Seriously. Their lives inspire me.

I recall writing in a previous entry that I feel that God has led this family into my life for a reason beyond what I can fathom...something big. And I truly do believe that. Pam is so so wonderful. Man, she's so gorgeous she just radiates Christ so much it burns my eyes! Erin is just as lovely. The kindest heart, and the most gentle, caring young lady. Awesome friend. Dennis (the Dad) is unreal. I've met him just once, but found him so friendly, so easy to talk to, so loving and kind that he blew me away aswell. And he's ajoker too - lovin that. Ben is no exception either. I still recall his smile from Year 7 of High School. Man, his eyes were always so sparkly, always happy and smiley. He's one crazy guy too it seems! He did for his 21st what I once said I wanted to do for mine - jump out of a plane! hehe.

I'm so excited at what my future holds in terms of getting to know this family more. They already enrich my life so much more than I could ever try to communicate. Some things are best explained with a *sigh* and a smile.

Thanks Dad - you're a bit of alright, you know that ;-)


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