reflections of the journey...

January 31, 2006

Where are all the guys...?

Something that's been in my thoughts lately is my current lack of any decent friendships with the male species and my subsequent desire to strengthen such friendships and even begin new ones.
The few guy friends that I do have live a far distance away and the relationships aren't where I'd like them to be, which is as much my fault as it is thiers. (man, that sounds so bad...what I mean is, I need to do more to build on the relationships, but it also needs to be a two-way thing or it doesn't work) I know I don't invest enough of myself and my time into having deep, enriching relations with them. I mean, both of these guys are awesome people in their own ways and I love them to bits, but there's just something missing.
Perhaps it's just the distance thing. Not seeing them all the time which explains that missing element. I dunno. Either way, I'd like stronger relationships in both cases, but more so I'd like to have mates from here as well. Guys who I can hang out with whenever, do spur of the moment stuff with, you know.

I'd like to go motorbike riding in a forest. Or quad biking on a farm. Ohhh...ohh...even better, do burnouts in a paddy basher!! That'd be madness! Haha, man - I'm SO doing that one day.
I'd like to sit and have an intense conversation with a mate, pick his brains, learn more, understand guys a little better. There's something about guys that just says 'adventurous and daring'. I'd like to feed off of that. When I'm around my older brother I sometimes have moments of empowerment, like I can see his strength and his courage and daring ways and I feel like I can do that too.
To some extent.
I still haven't jumped off the bridge...
But the motorbikes are a go-er.
Oh, and skydiving. I want to do that too. I want to scare the sh!t out of myself by confronting something like that head on and not backing out, no matter how much I'd want to.
I want to be more adventurous. I want to live a max life. Crazy, challenging, adventurous.

I'm not saying I can't do that with my girls, cause I can. Fully. My girly mates are radness! So crazy, so lovely. So treasured.
But guys just seem to have a more simple approach to life. They don't seem to sweat over the small stuff that girls will talk about for days/weeks even. They fully do compliment us nutty women, really. Balances out quite nicely.

So this year I'm hoping to strengthen the relationships that are already existing in my life and nurture new ones into being.

You guys rock.

Now...who wants to wrestle? No? Got a quad bike then? =P

Bella xx


Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

*ears prick up* Did you say wrestle?! Oh it is_So_ on!!!
[what?! I'm not butch enough for you?! HA! hardly butch am I, when was the last time you saw me in pants :P]

I absolutely get what your saying Bee. and your right, there is an element in male-female friendships which you just cannot find in same gender varieties.

I wish you all the best in your quest. You even have my prayer.

Love you always

11:18 PM, January 31, 2006  

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