reflections of the journey...

January 27, 2006

I miss falling asleep while looking up at the twinkling sky. I miss waking up with a bunch of beautiful girls eating brekky in a cramped cabin. I miss my quiet time in the grass. I miss the laughter. I miss the soft smiles of the princesses. I miss dipping my feet in the cool water of the creek. I miss meal times filled with odd conversations, tonnes of laughs and many 'had to be there' moments. I miss my girls. I miss those eyes.

I hate the lonely feeling that comes after something as wonderful as the weekend I have just had.

I just want a hug from someone who actually cares. Just a little glimpse of that wonder and beauty. I swear I'm trying to be patient, but it sucks.

I miss what I've never had. Is that possible? Is that okay?

Hmmf, tonight I have to actually try to see that my life is perfectly orchestrated, and only yesterday it was so easy to see that.

I just want to go to sleep with my bear in my arms.
(Jess - I need my bear back. I didn't bring him home from your place again)

Goodnight lonely heart. Be patient. Be still. And know that He is in control, He know's what to reveal next. Be content to even have that knowledge. Be comforted with the arms of the most loving One. Sleep peacefully.


Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

Belle I found the bear again. You left it exactly where I handed it to you last time you were here. Your a shocker you know that :P

[16 sleeps and we're shooting across the country.]

Those moments of pure contented bliss, serve to sustain us through the tougher, grittier parts of life. Stay positive, stay focused, and know that those happier days will be revealed once more in time. There it is again, that thing we hate so much - patience. But look at it this way, patience developes true faith, and is definitely a characteristic worth having.

I love you Belle
Big smooches and hugs your way
Jess xoxo

12:59 AM, January 28, 2006  

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