reflections of the journey...

September 11, 2005

It's a beautiful day...

Well, actually it's not. It's cold and wet.

But for some crazy reason I woke up with a smile on my face =) Some dreams really are sweet. hehe
And there's something about Eva Cassidy singing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" that just makes me feel peaceful. It's a song I could fall asleep to, no matter what my day has been like and no matter what's running through my head. It's also a beautiful way to start the day.


On other matters, I so can't wait for this week to be over. I've been filling in at work for a guy who's on holidays and I'm so over it. I'm looking forward to being able to do assessment stuff for TAFE and not worry that I'll be late (again) for work, and it'd be awesome to not smell like food for an entire day!!
Seriously, that's the worst thing about working in a kitchen. I smell like a mixture of everything that's been cooked that shift. Not pleasant! My pay this week will be worth it, I can finally get some Lay-Buy's funky bohemian sandals and my big white sunnies. Good stuff.

OH!! I poured my first beer at work yesterday. Haha...I've been working in the bistro at a pub for close to two years now, had my RSA certificate for 6 months and NOW they let me do bar work! =P Actually, I was only "watching the bar" for my boss while she was in a meeting, the pub was dead. One customer in the entire premises. Until the boss left.... I got absolutely swamped!! (well, okay...two guys isn't exactly swamped I suppose!) Anyway, so I grabbed a stubbie ffrom the fridge for one of the guys, opened it (first moment of slight embarresment - "boy these screw tops are on tight aren't they" =P) then had to pour a schooner of VB for the other dude. Everything went well until I had to top it up slightly, and pulled the tap down just a little bit.


All that came out was gas, so his nicely poured glass of VB was now a mass of froth and not an ounce of liquid amber to be seen. It was pretty funny though - we all had a laugh at the abundance of bubbles that seemed to be attracted to my shirt, pants...everything!

So now I'm in "training" so I'll be ready to be really swamped at Chrissy/New Years time. Should be good. Much better than restaurant work.
Speaking of work, I should go get ready.


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