reflections of the journey...

July 17, 2005

see a secret...share a secret

Every Sunday for the past couple of months now, I have been exposed to the secrets of many peole whom I have never met.
Most likely I will never meet them either.
Yet, in knowing their secret, I feel like I know some part of them. The most vulnerable, intimate part of some of them.

The way I have come to know these secrets of unfamiliar people is through a very fascinating piece of cyber space called 'Post Secret'. As the blog states, "Post Secret is an ongoing community art project where people mail-in their secrets anonymously on one side of a home-made postcard"

At first it was just a novel way of passing time, but as the weeks have gone on I've come to really appreciate the hard-ass honesty of the people who have contributed to the project. And in that spirit of honesty, I have found myself confronted with some of the secrets that have been shared. I feel like I share some of the burdens that others have, yet so often I feel like the only one in the world who would ever feel that way.

That said however, there have been a few entries on Post Secret that have blown my mind and opened my eyes so much, that some of them still have that shock value, even after many viewings.
That's the beauty in it. I love it. It's definately become one of my favourite things to do on a Sunday evening.

It gets me thinking every week too, as I'm sitting there in the receiving end of someones secret telling, I imagine what secrets I would tell and what my postcard would look like. It changes every week. There's always something different floating around in my head that I sometimes want to share, often don't. But I like that. I like having parts of myself that are unknown. Little mischievious mysteries hidden in my mind. Multitudes of undiscovered 'stuff' about me.
As much as I love sharing my thoughts with my mates, I treasure those parts of me that no-one else knows. My little secrets that haven't been posted =p

I'm thinking that I will post one to the folks in the U.S someday, but for now I'm loving the internal journey I seem to go on every time I enter their world.
It's fascinating.
It's mysterious.
It's enlightening.
It's Post Secret =D

(damn, I should be a marketing executive - that's a rather catchy motto) =p

have a squiz and let me know what you think...


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