reflections of the journey...

May 24, 2005

what's the go?

Why is it that my mood can change almost instantly, from being insanely happy to friggin annoyed?
One minute I feel like being around all my mates, just enjoying their company... laughing, hugging, telling stories, reminiscing...just sharing life with the ones I love.
Yet, now I find myself sitting here close to tears, not wanting to be around anyone.
Infact, at this very moment I should be at TAFE, but I just couldn't bring myself to go tonight. I didn't feel like being around anyone, having to put on the "everything is okay" face.

But the thing is....I am okay. I have no reason to be anything other than absolutely fine. I should be bubbling over with pure joy. My life is incredibly blessed right now, I have been given so many opportunities to work towards my goal in life. It's incredible what God can do when you ask for His intervention.

So why then, do I feel like hiding under the covers and sleeping through it all?

All I can say's been roughly 28 days since I last felt like this, so maybe that's got something to do with it.

Though, I do find that quite humourous. The one thing that reminds me of the joy I'll have in one day having a child grow inside of me, is now messing with my brain...or wherever hormones and their emotional influence come from.

So for now I'll just carry on, with that catchy tune of Ronan Keating singing in my head "life is a rollercoaster...just gotta ride it!"

[and a rollercoaster it is indeed...this post started off with me ready to cry at any moment, and now I'm giggling to myself!?! Can anyone say 'lunatic'? =p]


Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

lunatic!! ;)

12:54 PM, May 25, 2005  

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