reflections of the journey...

July 15, 2005

cold showers and countdowns

As the title would suggest, I have just stepped out of a cold shower.
Yes. Cold shower. Yes - it is still winter!

It wasn't cold the whole time though, infact it was quite warm, at one point extremely hot and my body was slowly turning crimson, so I figured it was about time I turned it down a little. The hot water heater must have thought the same because from that point on I slowly started getting cooler. And cooler. And cold. Then it was just refreshingly icy.

Anyway, enough showering anecdotes.

It's now only 4 more sleeps until TAFE re-commences and I can not wait to go back. I've been counting down the days for weeks now. Three weeks actually. (Yes, that does mean I started the countdown as soon as my three week break started =p)

It may sound really nerdy to be thinking about my studies during the break, but I'm just SO pumped about my course that I hate being away from it. I hate the thought of losing momentum when I'm enjoying it so much.
I love soaking up all the knowledge and wisdom of my teachers, my classmates, my friends. Hearing the stories of some of the people I share the class with is so mind expanding - that's where we all do alot of our learning - through sharing our stories.
Being a welfare course, many of the class members have come into the course carrying their own baggage and life experience that they want to turn into a positive and pass on to the next generation the kind of help they received from Welfare Workers in the years gone by.

That said however, I 've had a member of the class tell me that because I'm only 20 I wouldn't know much about all the stuff we talk about in class. I was shocked at what was said, but took it in my stride and quietly pondered her words.
At first it cut me pretty deep. I was hurt that she was so judgemental and naive in thinking that based on my age I wouldn't have life experience. Without knowing much more than my name and age, this person made huge assumptions about the life I have lived thus far. I was annoyed, hurt, angry and frustrated.

But the more I thought about it, the less it bothered me. I figure that if someone wants to make assumptions about me and not show interest in actually discovering who I am and what I'm all about, then I'm not going to let it get me down. It was a quick comment in a fleeting moment that had it's little niggle in my gut. I chewed on those words for quite a while. A number of weeks. But I think I'm learning to take things in my stride a little more.
I think, too often I let people cut me down when they don't intend to. Words that are said in a flash and bear only as much meaning as I let them, stay with me for longer than what they sometimes should. Almost hauntingly.

But, with each day that comes to an end I've grown just a little more than the day before. And with each new sunrise I'm getting closer to that great day. It's just around the corner now I can almost see it.
Tuesday 19th July 2005 at 5:00pm I'll be back in my favourite place once again.
Sitting there with my mates, waiting with anticipation, excitement, enthusiasm. Ready to feed my spongey head again.

And, just quietly, I have a feeling this semester will be much more eventful than the last - both in class and socially =)


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