reflections of the journey...

May 31, 2005

ministering through blogs...

This next post was originally written on a piece of paper at around 1:20am, this morning as I was sitting in my bed reflecting on a lesson I had just learnt.
I share it with you now as an expression of thanksgiving that the Holy Spirit can use all kinds of medium to minister to His children...even a humble blog.
I've just turned off my computer, after sitting there for hours, wasting time, feeling flat, bored, uninspired and crap. That is, until I read those last words before retiring for the night.
The last thing I read before bed was the blog of one of my close mates, the dude whom I fondly call my big brother =).
His words seemed to speak to me as if they were written just so I'd read them. I know this isn't the case, but it's crazy how such a personal reflection for him could also apply to me so much aswell.
All I can say is, the Holy Spirit has worked through him before and this probably won't be the last time either.

Anyway, his words were just the beginning.
I was musing over the message I had read as I was walking up the hall to our bathroom, when I noticed the fire wasn't as bright as it was earlier on in the evening. Not wanting it to burn out, I opened the door of the fireplace and let the air regenerate the embers.
No sooner had I done this, the embers were ablaze once more. Not only that, but they had become more than what they were before. Hotter. So much hotter. And the flames were now reaching higher.
Then I noticed the most beautiful thing. In a moment this fire had gone from barely being warm to being so hot it was burning my face. The once barely-there flames were now glowing a magnificent electric blue. The colour was just unbelievable. I was SO captivated by it and as hot as my face was getting, I just couldn't turn away. It was too beautiful to look away, even for a moment.

Then it dawned on me.

With the words of burkies blog still foremost in my mind, and still fixated on the fire, I thought to myself... "this is me". I am this fire. I have let myself become all but a cinder, only just staying warm and barely aglow in the blistering cold.
I finally saw the need for me to take action, or else I'd burn out completely.
Not only do I need to be placed back among the pile of 'hot bits'... but what I really need to thrive is to open my door and let the air come in.
I need to open myself, my heart, my mind, my very being - my spirit - and allow God to breathe on me once more. Allow His Spirit to connect with the piece of Himself He placed within me. Only He can sustain and strengthen my fire.

I'm no longer content with being a luke-warm cinder Christain.
I don't even want to be on
What I desire is to be the blue flame! So intense. So intriguing. So beautiful.

The one that burns so strong and radiates so much light and really draws the eye.
I want people to feel the warmth of Christ in me. I want people to see Him shine so intensely through me. And most of all, I want people to be drawn to Jesus through me.

Without Christ I was a lump of coal.
With Him, I'm an ember.
But if I allow myself to be more open to Christ and let Him breathe on me...I'm gonna be one hot chick!! ;-)

I've often heard expressions of being "on fire" for God and I recall singing a song at Church that states "we are the message of hope, we are His flame".....
now it's beginning to make sense.

*Thankyou Jesus, for working in the lives of others, to grow them and allow them to minister to others through their growth. Thankyou for giving them hungry hearts and a spirit of servanthood, so that they may want to share their lessons with others and in doing so, help us to change.
Thankyou for your patience and continual blessings. I love You Jesus xx

So, there you go. That's what I wrote at 1 o'clock this morning and share with you now at almost midnight... I hope I've passed on the blessing by allowing you to be a part of my lesson too. God bless,
Bella x


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