reflections of the journey...

May 30, 2005

my realisation for today... life is about to get a heck of a lot busier than what it is already.
Although I'm fully excited about the changes that are happening lately, and the opportunities that are coming my way, the fact still remains that what lies ahead scares me quite a bit.

Right now I feel like I don't have enough time as it is, and there's about to be a whole lot of other things to do very soon. Quite a few committments to adhere to, all of which require my time and effort... two resources I seem to be lacking of late.

Though, when I really think about it... it's not a matter of my life being too busy or me having too many things to do...atleast not yet, it's more a matter of my time management being shot to pieces, to the point where it barely exists. I'm constantly leaving things to the last minute. It's how I've spent the last few years....waiting until the last minute to do things. Procrastinate is my middle name!

It really shits me actually, that I know this about myself, and it frustrates me something chronic, yet I still haven't done anything to change my ways.

But I'm hoping all this will turn around.
I need to do some serious prioritising if I'm going to take on more than what I'm doing already...[which, now that I think of pretty much jack all].
If I can't learn to make deadlines and stick to them and get the boring but most-needed work done before "play time" then, I've got a pretty scary road ahead.
There's no way I'm going to cope with all the "added stuff" on top of life as I know it now unless I really get the rest of it sorted out.

Hmmph... but it seems to require so much effort and right now I'm lacking motivation SO bad!

As much as I really want to say "it's all good...I'll start tomorrow" I know it won't work.
I actually need to get off my ass now and get things rolling.

But can't someone just drag me......


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