reflections of the journey...

July 07, 2005

my bed

Some of the people who read this journal of mine will know that I've been away from home for a while, house-sitting for my Pastor and his family while they're away on vacation.
It's been interesting.
It's been good.
It's been incredibly boring!

The fact that I'm responsible for their house and pets for three weeks has had me hesitating to do much else than stay there all day and night. That was alright for the first few days. The quiet, still, silent house was so different to the noisy, bustling home I'm used to. So, I enjoyed those first few days immensely.
Now though, nearing the end of the second week being there, is driving me insane.
This morning I awoke feeling like I had been hit by a bus in my sleep. My entire body ached. I could barely speak for my throat was so soar. My head was pounding, my ears ringing.
I was so cold that my body shook as I walked out to the kitchen at 5:30am to refill my hot water bottle. I went back to bed and lay there in agony, not able to get comfortable no matter how I positioned myself. I felt like sh!t.

Finally, at around 11am I had had enough and jumped in my car to come home to my mum. Not that mum could do anything to help, but she had a medicine box containing strong pain relief tablets that I would have killed for.
That 5 minute drive home felt like the longest 5 minutes of my life. I barely made it, I swear. I knew I shoudn't be behind the wheel of a car when I was feeling like that, but I just had to get home to my own bed. That's all I wanted. I knew I'd still feel as cruddy no matter where I was, but if I was going to feel this sick, I atleast wanted the comfort of my own bed to sleep in.
It's now around 6:00pm and I'm just starting to feel slight relief from the pain in my head.
I'm thinking I'll go back to the house just to check the animals and get some stuff, but tonight all I want is my own bed to sleep in.
That's what I've missed the most these last two weeks. My bed. My home.


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