reflections of the journey...

August 04, 2005

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

That's what I was asked to do tonight on my way home from TAFE.

Count to ten while a Police Officer held a little black box infront of my face.

How boring. What's the world coming to when I don't even have the novelty of blowing into the box through my own hygienic straw that the Officer kindly unwraps infront of me.
Where's the fun in counting?
Unless Sesame Street is involved - that's another story altogether. Man, I wish I had younger siblings so I had an excuse to watch all the cool shows =p

Anyway... as expected I gave a negative reading and was wished a happy evening and safe travels as I went on my way.


More than that happened today though.
I had Bible Study this morning. I was a little hesitant to go because I wanted to sleep in and I was a little apprehensive about going back to study group with the girls, given the recent events of my walk. Thankfully though, I had to take another girl with me this morning , so I knew she was relying on me to get there, and I didn't want to ring her at the last minute and let her down.
So glad I went though. We had the greatest study. So mind expanding. It was incredible. I love how God works. When I desire to learn more about Him, He provides so much knowledge. And good stuff too. Life changing stuff. Well, potentially life changing. If I really reflect on the lesson in the study and apply it to my life, it has the power to redirect where my path is leading.
And it's super exciting. I'm lovin' it.

Crazy thing is, the study we did today was so close to what I've experienced in the last few weeks, days even, that it really spoke to me. And when it came to sharing our thoughts/ideas about what each passage of scripture meant, I couldn't wipe the image of my mates from my mind. It was similar for some of the other girls too, which was great.

Apart from awesome Bible Studies I'll be doing the "Purpose Driven Life" campaign with my church for the next 6 or so weeks. Man, this book is huge. I've owned the book for over a year now, but I hadn't really taken much notice of it. Hadn't read it at all. I often wondered if I ever would, or whether I should give it to a used book store or something.
God's timing hey.... =p

So yeah, as a church we'll be studying, growing, learning, loving, serving our way into a changed way of living. I can feel that it has the potential to be so huge for every one of us, individually and as a family.
I can't wait to discover more about myself, my creator, my brothers and my sisters.
And I can't help but hope that there will be more people within church who appreciate a hug as much as little Bella =)


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