reflections of the journey...

August 19, 2005

goodnight moon...

It's times like these I can't help but smile at the sky.

I LOVE full moons. SO much! There's just something about them that makes me happy.

I think it may have something to do with the amount of light they give out.
Now, I'm the first to admit that I'm afraid of the dark, (hehe...just ask anyone who's tried talking to me on the phone while I'm home alone!!) so I think that deep down I feel safer at night when there's a full moon because of the light factor.

In saying that, I actually enjoyed the drive home from my brothers flat, tonight. Usually I spend the entire drive home pancking that my car will stall somewhere along that dark, winding country road between his place and mine and terrible, unimaginable things will happen to me. Like, wild dogs will eat me alive, or an axe-murderer/forest dwelling freako will decide to play chasey's with me.
But tonight I just enjoyed the drive. I didn't fear anything. I was safe under those moon beams, I swear I was =p hehe. The valley was so lit up that it felt more like late afternoon or early hours of a new day rather than 11:00pm. Actually, the early hours one makes more sense cause if it was late afternoon the sun still would have been out. But you get the jist....much light.

Anyway at one point along the road I actually turned my lights down because they were just spoiling the mood. Serious, it was so beautiful but my driving lights were just so harsh against the gentle beams of moonlight they just did nothing for it at all, so they had to go. If only for 20 seconds while I had my moment.

And now that I'm home and in my comfy snuggly pj's I want to go back outside and soak up all the good, happy vibes of Mr. Moon.
But I'm hella tired so I'll just go to sleep. =p

And though I may not spend the night admiring the moon, I will be sleeping under the stars...

(the glow-in-the-dark twinkles on my roof that is!)

So it is now that I bid you goodnight, dear reader - may you be blessed to see many more moons and even more smiles.

Goodnight moon, see you next time.

Love Bella xx


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