reflections of the journey...

January 26, 2006

Perfectly Orchestrated

As I lay quietly amongst the wildflowers and long wispy grass I realised just how perfectly orchestrated my life is right now.

This past weekend saw me and a bunch of girls from my church and young leaders group head out to a friends property for a special "Girl's Retreat" weekend. How lovely it was.
From the moment we arrived we were made feel so incredibly welcome. I seriously felt like I was visiting family, despite having only known a few members of this family for a short time. I met Erin mid last year through the young leaders group/Bible Study and inturn, her Mum Pam. Both of these women shine Christ so brightly that I feel incredibly blessed just to be in their presence. To talk to them is a wonderful occassion I share far too seldom, but am grateful for even being able to.
So anyway, we were there at Erin's parents place to get to know each other better, encourage each other in our walks, learn more and particularly for the younger girls, encourage them to be more active in our respective churches. These girls are so gifted individually and as a body we can do great things with Christ as our leader and guide. It's exciting to ponder the possibilities that arose as a result of this weekend.

One thing I have really taken away from it is the importance to pray for fellow believers and encourage them in their walks. Erin's two older brothers are both Christians but aren't currently attending a church regularly. That said though, one of them is heavily considering joining the music team at the church I call home, which would be a huge gift to us, and I believe would really strengthen his relationship with Jesus to be able to use his gifting and be in church regularly, hearing God's Word and being in the company of a body of believers.
One moment that happened over this same weekend that I will always regard as sacred was being able to share Communion with all the girls, the lovely family who so graciously opened their home to us, but even more so, to be sharing Communion with these two brothers. I pray so much that they were as blessed as I was at that time and I look forward to forming close friendships with them both. I believe God has brought this family into my life for reasons I cannot comprehend right now, but it's something big. That I am quite sure of.

One of the brothers I remember from my first year of High School. Although we never really knew each other then, it's nice to be able to form a friendship now. Ben was always smiling at school...always seemed happy. It was great to see that he still has that today. Crazy thing though, to actually 'meet' this person through his sister when I 'knew' him all along, just never realised they were siblings! =P

So...back to lying in the grass. As part of the growth aspect over our weekend we were asked to take part in a "reflection time" following Communion which required us to each find a quiet place to sit and think, listen to what God had to tell us, reflect on the message of the weekend and all it entailed. I found a cozy little patch of grass in the big expanse of paddock and found myself completely immersed in my surroundings.
I sat and gazed at the sun beginning it's afternoon descent behind the hills and thought about the mightiness of God. His awesome power and the wonder I have of Him. I lay my head on the soft, lush grass now a vibrant green from the recent rains and felt completely at rest in where I was and not anxious as to where as I was going, but just content. So so content. The soft swaying of the grass and wildflowers reminded me of God's gentle spirit and absolute loving heart. The beauty I saw in nature captured my own heart and left me in absolute awe of my God. It occurred to me that God placed each blade of grass on that very hill for a reason. They were never intended to grow anywhere else. Even the ants that danced along the long, delicate stems of the wildflowers served as a reminder to me of God's perfect orchestration of events.
I felt completely convinced that where I am right now is exactly where God intends for me to be. This very place and this very task was only ever intended to be entrusted to me. And that is incredibly humbling. I love that I'm not meant to do it on my own either...I'm just asked to simply be a tool. To be used by God in whatever way He sees fit.
I'm so so thankful that God answered my prayer for closer relationships too. This weekend has been an incredible time of bonding with us girls and for that I am so grateful. They're more fun, more crazy, more gorgeous than I had ever realised. I can't wait to share more beautiful moments with them all.

And may God truly bless you this week as You seek His answers and follow His lead.

Bella xx


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