reflections of the journey...

January 03, 2006

geesh, she's a bit stale

I didn't realise it's been this long since I last wrote.
I miss my internet =( but it should be back soon. Should be. Hope it is.


Anyhoo, where do I start. A bit of stuff has happened within the 4 or so weeks since I last visited my little journal. Been learning a few things. Some I'm not so keen on. Others are great.
One of the best things that happened last year was the Christmas function at church. It was lovely to spend such a special occassion with the company of a mass of 'strangers'. Hmm, don't like that word. I didn't know the people I shared lunch with, but they became friends within those few hours, so I wouldn't consider them strangers. (Oh...reminds me...Jess make sure we go to a shop in Melb that sells the "world without strangers" wrist bands. Burks...remind me where that is:P)
So yeah, Chrissy lunch saw me serving alongside many of my church family to offer a free lunch to those within our community who either didn't have family to share Christmas with or who couldn't afford a special meal, or whatever reason. We opened our doors, and were truly blessed to share our time and our love with those beautiful people within our little town.
We had young families, widows, middle aged singles...everyone.
I ended up sharing a meal with a bunch of wacksters....we were laughing while we were eating. So my kind of people. But I also managed to have a good chat to the woman across from me. Turns out she used to work in a Youth Centre....coincidence? I think not.
We talked about the kids and their issues (on a general perspective) and I got to share my dreams with a new friend and learn a little from her. Merry Christmas or what?!!

The young kids that were there with their families were my fave part of the day though. A local toy shop had generously donated enough toys so each child got at least two each. They were beautifully wrapped and tagged with "boy aged 5" kinda thing and it was so exciting to see the kids screaming out when their age bracket was called out. It was like a crazy auction. So fun.

One of the things I loved most of all though was the look on their little faces at the end of the day when the church members were tidying up. One of the guys was taking down all the balloons and streamers and throwing them away. I couldn't bear the thought of wasting balloons!!! Who does that?!! hehe, so I helped collect them and then proceeded to give them to the kids.
Their little eyes just glowed at the sight of a big bunch of balloons, all for them. It was gorgeous. We even made special "Princess belts" for the little girls with the streamers that had decorated the church. Little girls are so so precious and oh so adorable. They melt me. Seriously.
The little boys wanted special belts too, but weren't so keen on being a Princess to earn one, so we decided they were the awesome "warrior bands" that protected them and made them heroes. It was so cool to see them run back to their parents and say "look Mummy, I'm a warrior" with the biggest grin on their faces.
I can't wait to start my work with kids. It's gonna be rad. I get to play every day and love 'em like my own. Not so sure if the teeangers will be so into "warrior bands" and "Princess belts" though =P

Well, I'm gonna have to head off for my bro's place and he needs the compy, and besides...I'm hot as. Summer sucks. I want to live in England. Or atleast have their weather.

I promise to visit again soon. I've missed reminiscing through rambling.

Have a fully sick day/night, whenever you read this and yeah, go nuts.
Because you can.

Bella xx

[I realise that I was intending to write a summary of my 4 weeks, but only recapped Christmas I will indeed be back soon(ish)]


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