reflections of the journey...

February 07, 2006

anticipating what will be...

I love this kind of weather. Cloudy, gentle breeze, cool air. It's my fave season. To be all snuggled up in a big jumper, tracky dacks and nice thick socks. My ultimate comfort.
I so can't wait for it to get cold enough to light the fire. Man I love our fire place.
I love lying infront of it reading a good book, listening to music, or just dreaming away my evenings staring at the patterns in the flames.

I always seem to have a spirit of romance during the colder months. It's as if something within me that has been laying dormant in Summer, suddenly awakens and allows me to enjoy life even more. I seem to notice the beauty of our world more than usual, it's like everything has a hightened sense of being. The once mundane, becomes something extraordinary.

Today has excited me. I lok forward to the Winter nights where the fog is so thick it makes the street lights look like dandelions. Beautiful.

*sigh* I love it


Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

Belle, your a poet.
I love the winter months also. If you want to see beauty you should come to visit me in Armidale during Autumn. As the leaves begin to change colour and fall from their branches.
I can still remember the incredible morning walking the hill in the early hours of the with Bec. A soft mist filled the air as we listened to the rustling of the leaves beneath our feet. Everywhere we looked there was a blanketing of golden leaves covering the ground right up to our ankles, I remember looking up with wonderment that there could possibly be a leaf left on the trees when so many had already adorned the ground. But as Bec and I weaved through the trees a soft breeze began to rustle the branches, sending a gentle raining of leaves down upon us. As we walked we glanced at one another with dopey grins plastered across our faces, before Bec softly whispered "It's like we're in a movie". It could have been a movie - it seemed too romantic for real life.

Come and visit me in Armi Belle, this year it's going to has to snow, it's my last year there and one of the deciding factors on Armidale was the idea of living somwhere where it snows.

Love you little sis.
Your posts always make me smile. Your amazing
Jess xoxo

11:28 PM, February 07, 2006  

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