reflections of the journey...

February 24, 2006

Crazy in Kilda...

So... it's my last night in Melbourne. I sit here sifting through the photos I've taken over the last two weeks in two minds about the whole "going home" thing. I'm looking forward to getting back home and seeing the family (gosh it's nice to be able to miss them...) and sleeping in my big comfy bed again, get back to church and back into the swing of things and also get TAFE started properly. (I've missed two weeks by having this holiday...oops!) But I'm also really sad (and disappointed I guess) that I'm going home tomorrow. I love Melbourne so much. Not just the city and all it has to offer, but the people here.

My mates. My buddies.

Man, you guys are fantastic!! You are the reason Jess and I came back again this year, and you can be sure we'll be back again! It's been great to spend time with you all, chatting, laughing, sharing meals together. It's all been wonderful. I think yesterday would have been my favourite day here though, in terms of most enjoyable. Gosh, Travis and Ben are frickin hilarious!! I seriously had a sore gut from laughing so much you guys! And I swear my jaw was getting cramps too hey! You know you're having a good time when your jaw and belly ache from too much laughter. (Hmm, too much laughter...can there be such a thing...?) Anyway, as promised, here are some of the pics from yesterday.

Cheers to Trav and Ben for making it so much fun =D

At the entrance of Luna Park. We figured if we couldn't get in to go on a ride we atleast had to get a photo there!

After we had enjoyed varying flavoured smoothies/juices from a sushi/juice bar on Acland Street, St Kilda.
Jess had a "funky monkey" flavoured smoothie - (tofu ice cream, soy milk, bananas etc) - I tried it and thought it was revolting!! But Jess loved it, which is all that matters since she paid for it =P
The guys had sushi and smoothies, while I stuck to a good old "tropical tango" freshly squeezed juice.

(man, this photo cracks me up!! I'm not as short as this pic suggests, I'm sure of it! haha)

Jess and I on the Jetty at St Kilda. It was a beautiful day. Warm in the sun with a cool sea breeze blowing - perfect!

And the two that made it all so much more enjoyable...
Ben and Travis.
Cheers, guys. Can't wait til next time =)

So, there you go. Some piccies from a great day in St Kilda with two of the funniest guys I know.

Til next time, have fun and drink slurpees...

Bel xx


Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

Bella my dear,I know I told you this yesterday, but for the sake of clarification I shall repeat it [I know, I'm such a fabulous friend ;) ] Having only just started eating meat again, I was vegetarian for 5 years of my life. And tofu is definitely an aquired taste, which I've developed [meat is by far better]but yes, it wasn't the greatest smoothie of my life time but anything entitled "Funky Monkey" was worth a crack in my books. perhaps I won't rush to crack it again...but yes I conquered that mountain, and the mountain didn't taste all that bad

1:52 AM, February 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good times, good times.

May I point out that I had a tropical tango (not a smoothie), like yourself, and wasn't particularly impressed.

Thanks for taking all those nice pics though- good thing someone is on the ball and has a sweet digital camera! Good to know that you had a good time like I did :-)

You'll be back in NSW by now (in my estimates, probably landing on the tarmac in NSW right about now). So, good luck with everything this year, was great to have a day with you guys again. And I hope we can do it again next year!


8:04 PM, February 25, 2006  

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