reflections of the journey...

February 23, 2006

Jess and Belle...

The crazy-ass I've spent the last 10 days in Melbourne with. It's been good. Been interesting. We've had our moments, but for the most part we've had a blast!! So much fun, so crazy, oftentimes, quite stupid. haha

Here's to the last few days Jessie...let's go nuts!

Can't wait for cream in St Kilda with Trav then Lion King in the evening. Gonna be rad.

Write more later...need sleep!

Bella xx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need blogger! I can't even put pics on my blog!

You should put up some pics of today. Good times, good times. A lot of fun :-). Crazy, stupid, fun. But fun nonetheless!

5:40 PM, February 23, 2006  
Blogger Bella said...

haha. indeed. indeed.

You do need blogger, and it was crazy, stupid, hilarious fun =D

Thanks for the laughs Trav. And tell Ben I said so too. Haha, you two are the male equivalents of Jess and I together.
You kids are crazy!! But we love it.

I'll get some pics up tomorrow probably.

See you next time buddy =)


12:06 AM, February 24, 2006  
Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

HA! I'm crashing this party to say today was hilarious crazy fun!
tell Steve [aka Ben] that we had a blast.

:P till next year!

1:11 AM, February 24, 2006  

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