reflections of the journey...

May 11, 2007

This was my today - May 10, 2007

Bit of an update. I've been meaning to write for a good while now, so today is as good a day as any, plus I have some news to report.
Today I got one more step closer to 'the big adventure' that will be the GDT experience.
I had my injections.
Three infact!

It's all part of the requirements for the course, seeing as I'll be travelling (most likely overseas) possibly to heavily polluted areas, so it's in my best interests to take precautions rather than end up really ill in a foreign land.

So today saw me be immunised for Hepatitis A and B in one needle, Typhoid, Diptheria and Polio in the second and Tetanus in the final jab of the day. Holy heck did that one hurt! The first two needles were pretty much just pin pricks and I was beginning to feel a bit silly for being so nervous and worried about the whole procedure, but my goodness I tell you what - I definitely felt that tetanus shot going in!

And it's true what everyone had been saying - it really did make my arm ache afterwards.

Atleast I don't have to go through that again for quite a while. The Hepatitis shots are a 3 part course though, so I'll have to go back again in one month to have the second injection, then again 6 months after that.
I was put so much at ease by having my buddy ol pal Sherie there with me. Now before you go thinking I'm a mega wuss for needing company, it was for a different reason than that. Well, kinda, she was there for moral support as well as being the photographer and videographer for the day. It was pretty funny the reaction my doctor gave when I asked if he was okay for Sherie to "document the moment for me". But hey, I'm only going to experience that exact moment once in my life and as trivial as an injection is, it's all part of the bigger picture of this exciting new chapter in my life.
So... grab the camera and strike a pose!

*chuckle* My doctor said I was "a very brave lass" and it's on video to prove it! Haha.

He was so lovely and fully playing up to the camera. It would had to have been one the most bizarrre but enjoyable trips to the GP in a very long time.

And it was mostly because I had my girl by my side the whole time.

Love you Sherie, you're the best!


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