reflections of the journey...

September 23, 2006

belated postcards from a 1000 digits away

So, here I am finally getting around to posting again after some prompting from the sister.
I figured I'll post a few journal entries I did while in Melbs, cause I haven't had a chance to catch up with the girls and tell them all about it yet. So, here we go....back tracking to ~

Friday 8th September, 5:45 am ~ Newcastle Airport...
Man I love to travel!! There's something about airports that I just love. There's kind of a buzz in the air. A certain vibe that only comes about when this many people are united for a single moment.
What I love doing most of all is looking around, just observing these strangers.
What their stories are.
Their reasons for travelling.
Are they returning home? Perhaps they're holiday like myself.
The possibilities are near endless. My wondering never ceasing.

A group of middle aged women sit opposite and beside me. They speak of the fashion in Melbourne and plan what stores they'll visit. They giggle and joke with each other. They truly enjoy each others company.
They remind me of my girls... and once again it becomes apparent that this is my first trip on my own. It's particularly noticeable due to the destination.
Visiting Melbourne has only ever happened with Jess by my side.

My thoughts drift to her and how proud I am of my big sis. She's close to completing her final prac, EVER!! My goodness, that's exciting. =) In a matter of weeks it will all be official. My beautiful Jezika Rae will become "Miss Braybrook". =) cute!

Back in the departure lounge of Newy Airport more people are flowing through the security gates and take their seat in between the rest of us travellers scattered about the place.
Gets me wondering who I'll sit next to. What will their story be? Will I find out? Will we talk or will we do the polite thing and keep to ourselves, saying only polite nothings occasionally?
Either way it's all good. I'm sooo excited to be on my way to Melly again!
Though I kinda already dread the return trip. It sucks so bad having to come home again.
Man, how I LOVE Melbourne!

*sigh* we'll see what happens....

Flight JQ 371 should be boarding very soon., NOW!! Haha. How amusing.
I just quickly got up and thought I'd be one of the first on the plane...then soon noted that the queue is soooo long and I'm about middle.
Hmm, this is kinda hard writing and walking towards the boarding check in.
Woohoo! The line is actually moving quite fast. Cheers to the Jetstar crew!
Almost there, write more later.
Arghhh! This is awesome! =D
And, I'm on! =) Sweet.... I scored a window seat on the left wing. Seatbelt fastened good and tight.
As yet I have no company. Just two empty seats. Hmm....maybe the really hot guy who just walked past the window will join me! hehe. That'd be nice.
Or perhaps a grey haired gentlemen with a newspaper for company, as it turns out. haha.

Virginia, Monique, Lawrie and Libby are my flight crew apparently. Captain just said "Hi". Actually, no. Scratch that. It was the flight manager or something. Hope he didn't say anything too important - I couldn't hear properly.
Anyhoo, it's almost time to feel the buzz of speeding down the runway and have my stomach drop as we fly off into the big blue sky.
Or, as luck would have it today, a rather grey, cloudy and "turbulent looking" sky! haha.
The worst part of flying. Ahh well. It's all part of the ride =)

Man I had forgotten how much I love flying!! I go!

Off we went and so began the most enjoyable 4 days Ihave had in a long while. Hmm, probably since Cathy and Den's visit up here actually! =)
Anyway, my previous post touched on what else happened for the rest of the Friday once I had "touched down" in glorious Melbourne.
Following that was Saturday night at Burkie's 21st, of which I wrote before bed that night.

Sunday 10th September, 12:30am
Not long got 'home' from burkie's 21st. Hehe.....what an awesome night!
I didn't catch the names of the guys who did the speech , but man they were frikkin hilarious!
Good times. Good times.
My fave quote of the night would have to be "why is a white dude teaching a black dude how to dance?!!" Ahh, haha. Funny. Though I must say, Burks - you do an impressive "big fish, little fish, cardboard box".
Oh and cheers for singling me out in your speech bro =p....nice ice breaker to a room full of strangers. lol. Nah, in all seriousness, as if I wouldn't have been there! You're my big bro, and you're a champ! =D (who also happens to live in a place I loooove visiting - lucky!)

I must say, that would have to have been the first time I've been asked who I am, how I know the birthday boy, etc followed by "so, what's your screen name?" Haha. Couldn't half tell I was meeting gushers.
Oh, by the way I noticed a few people who were AS short, or shortER than me!! It was great!
(by the way - BEC...if you're reading this did you mean "I win" with Lil cause I was taller than her,or shorter. Damn I hope I was taller. haha)
Anyway, she's an awesome girl. Kinda looks a little similar to my cousin, and just as friendly and lovely to talk to. Was great.
So is Beth you know. Aww....what a sweet girl. (She's so lovely Burks- good on you. You guys are cute as!) And Beth said she likes me! hehe. Yay for me. Another mate in Melbourne. Sweet.
But yeah, you both are just so cozy together, it's beautiful. Three cheers for love! =)

OH....Jess!! You sooo should have been there! It was so funny. Both Bec and Paul were like "so...where's Jess? Isn't she here with you? But you guys are like joined at the hip!" Haha. I wish you were there, but there's always next time *wink wink* Melly just isn't the same without you my girl.
Oh and you would have loved seeing Paul again - he's still funny as ever. Oh man he cracks me up. I found myself still laughing when I got home. He's gold.

OH!! OH!! I saw Matty Hill too, and he's all grown up! We reminisced about the running backwards down your driveway stunt and how we took them to a lookout at night. It was so funny, he was telling his girlfriend the story and she was like "but wouldn't it be wouldn't be able to see anything" and Matty goes "Oh, but we could hear it". Hmm I think that was funnier in the moment. Had to be there. He's a funny kid. And he has a strongbad tshirt! So want it!!

It was such a fun night. Thanks again for inviting me burks.
Oh, and need I remind you of the photo you owe me ;-)
You know the consequences buddy!

Oh...for some strange reason that just reminded me - I saw a midget in the city yesterday. As in a real midget. He was way shorter than me.
It was great.

And then I went to sleep and so concluded day two of the trip.

The whole trip was just amazing. Really a time of growth for me I believe. I know that God truly blessed me in the time I was there, through the friendships that are strengthening, the birth of new ones, and new perspectives on situations.

I came home convinced that I want to make Melbourne my home and Hayley and I are working towards doing just that. Trying out our wings and finally leaving our nests, and you know something, I think we'll make great flat mates. What could be better than living with your best friend in a city you love?

I really am a very blessed girl =)

love Bel xx

(PS- regarding the title...the postcard of Sunbury [where I stayed] is exactly 1000 digits from my hometown. What astonishing trivia!)

September 08, 2006

Day 1

I'm here!! Back in good ol Melbourne town ;-)
And how spoilt am I....I get to type this on Den's snazzy little laptop. It's so cute. Lappy's are awesome.

Anyhoo, my first 11 hours here have been great =)
I was writing a journal entry at the airport this morning which I'llprobably post here soon, but as for's been good.
Was greeted with a shocking icy wind as I walked out the airport doors. Typical Melbourne welcome I guess ;-)
Umm, what happened next....(just lost my trail of thought cause Den's dad just dropped my bed off)'s so funny, I'm known as Belle down here. Love it. He's a lovely guy by the way. Thanks Mr Cassidy =D
So yeah, after Den picked me up from the airport we came back here to his place, dumped my stuff and drove into the city so I could shop at the Queen Victoria Markets while Den worked.
I scored quite a few little treasures, including Burkies 21st, but I'll stay tight lipped about that one for now cause he won't get it til tomorrow night.

After the markets we headed to The Melbourne Museum and just cruised around there for a bit before watching a 3D film at the Imax theatre. And yes, you know me well. I fell asleep!
Well, very VERY temporarily. For like 3 minutes, MAX. And it was probably because I've been up since 2am.
Anyhoo, after Imax we stuck around the museum for a bit more, eventually had enough and walked back to the car, detouring through parts of Melbourne Uni. There are some beautiful buildings there. Stunning, really.

Back 'home' and just chillin. And I'm likin it muchly.

Well, I should probably give this back to Den, so bye for now

Bella xx

September 07, 2006

1 more sleep...

Or perhaps more like "4 more hours"

Oh crap. I really need sleep. My alarm is set for 2am so I can leave by 3 and be on my way to Newcastle to catch my 6:20am flight to Melbourne!!
Awesome. I'll be there in less than 11 hours! Holy heck, that's exciting.

And why am I going? Hmm, burkies 21st is a good enough reason for a 4 day weekend in Melbs!!

Much news to follow but for now I REALLLY should get under the doona and attempt some shut-eye before midnight.
(the plan should work.....put a movie on!) a treat, hey Jess ;-)

Night....sweet dreams munchkins =D
Love Bella xx