reflections of the journey...

July 24, 2006

Uplate Update...

Guess who's back...back again....Bella's back....tell a friend!

Oh yes, the shame in mimicing an Eminem song on my return to blog land. The things I do people, the things I do.
It's definitely been a while since my last post. Some stuff has happened, some interesting stuff might I add. I just haven't got around to blogging until now. Been so busy with sleeping in and kicking back and know how I like it. Nah, it's not all that grand really. Life as a bum. Not exactly what I dream of but hey...I'm not doing much to change that right now am I. But let's not make another post about my lack of motivation and frustration at myself. Let's instead celebrate the fact that I'm free to enjoy the simple tings in life right now...

Like hanging out with two of my favourite people for a week!! Oh yeah, what a life! Enjoying the company of two of my mates for a full 7 spoilt am I, really? =)
Wednesday 12th July saw Kate, Jess and myself trekking to Newcastle to pick up Den and Cathy from the airport. What a day we had. Coffee (well for some...the rest of us had smoothies and juices and other concoctions) and random conversation at Grind on Darby Street [check it out some time and ask for Kelly...she's my friend;-) ], followed by Op-Shopping. That place was soooo funky cool. I loved it. Half the stuff they were trying to sell was straight out of Dodge-City but the general feel of the place, the "vibe" I shall call it, was pretty damn cool. Multitudes of mismatched lamp shades hung from the ceiling, the brightest shade of turquoise made a section of the building just jump out and scream for attention, masses of beads draping the stands like colourful little beetles, and crazy sunglasses had me asking the question "who the hell would wear these anyway?"

The answer my friends....

Yeah I know what you're thinking, we DO look hot don't we ;-) haha

I can't believe what else we found in the little treasure chest that this shop was. Jess found a little tin in the shape of a carousel, just like the one in the french film "Love me If You Dare". What a score. I love that film (as does Jess) so we decided to buy it and start our very own little chain of challenges for each other. The tin has been purchased but we're yet to unleash the magical force that must exist within it... I'm actually pretty scared to be honest. Playing a game that hard core... I dunno if I could hack it. I mean, they dared each other to pee their pants in the movie....(Jess...promise me you won't be so cruel!). And don't for a second get it in your head that I'll bury myself in concrete with you! haha. We'll see how it plays out. I'm sure I'll be pushed out of the bubble wrap plenty of times yet. lol

So anyhoo, we all ended up buying something from the little shop. Katie scored some earrings, Cathy found a funky black visor, Jess got ( bad, I forget what you got) and Den bought an old school tape from 1989 or something. Sad thing is, as much as I paid him out about it, there were actually some great songs on it. He did indeed score on that one.

So, Newcastle behind us, we headed home that evening and so began a week that I won't forget in a hurry. To be honest we all bummed around a fair bit in that week, but it was so good to just kick back and relax with mates. And who doesn't love a random hug! Cathy - you're awesome!! I got soo much lovin' that week. lol. You made me feel so spesh. Though, it wasn't all Scrubs marathons and channel surfing (*cough*DEN*cough). We managed to do some sight seeing and shopping in there too.

I think one of my fave days was our visit to Coffs Harbour. Lunch at the Co-op...Cathy knows her fish tasted great, walking along the breakwall and puffing our way up and over Muttonbird Island (yeah we should really do something about our fitness hey Cathy. lol), taking in the grandeur of 'The Big Banana', heckling Den to go faster on the toboggan track, (it's all about no breaks people....extreme sports!), and crashing at Aaron's place where I watched the Matrix for the first time...EVER!! Yep. It was a long journey to get there but I've finally seen it. AND understood it, might I add. =) Good films. I like.

(Muttonbird Island, Coffs Harbour)

(Toboggan Track, Big Banana Coffs Harbour)

Something else I loved was the rainy day at the falls. You guys toughed it out trekking to the bottom while I cruised around taking photos of moss and bark and winding trails. Gotta love it. And who could forget the rainy walk along the beach! So crazy, so fun. Didn't look quite as good as your post card huh Den, but sure was fun. I knew those towels would come in handy...lucky we didn't unpack the car sooner or we would have had a pretty wet drive home.

You know even the little things like sitting on the riverbank talking meant so much to me. I think it was the transparency and complete honesty that was shared that made it so special. Good times indeed.

I feel like I grew up just a little bit more and realised more about myself in that week than I probably would have if you weren't here. And for that I thank you. It was great.

I certainly enjoyed our time together and can't wait to hang out again. It's a beautiful thing to grow closer to people and know you'll continue to strengthen your friendship over time. It's something that blows me away the more I think about it. Without sounding cheesy, I honestly believe my life has been enriched so deeply by meeting Cathy and Den, and I am so so thankful for friends like them =) You guys are amazing.

I love the candidness of conversation and the comfort that comes from knowing I can be completely open and honest with you both and get the same in return. Those 7 days were but a snippet of the time we'll have here on earth, but meant so much more to me than I will ever be able to say to you. I learnt so much from being around you both and really appreciate everything you both did without even realising it.

You make my heart smile ;-)

until next time,

love Bella xx